Anahi Molla-Herman
Anahi Molla-Herman (28/02/1982) CR-N au CNRS
- 2016-now: CNRS-CRCN (classe normale) Staff Scientist, Jean-René HUYNH’s lab. Role of tRNAs in genome integrity.
- 2010-2016: Post-Doctoral fellow in Jean-René Huynh’s lab at the Institut Curie, Paris.
- 2006-2009: PhD in Cell Biology, Institut Cochin, Paris. Supervisor: Alexandre Benmerah. “Primary Cilium and intracellular trafficking”.
- 2005-2006: Master 2 Cell Biology, Physiology and Pathology. Univ. Paris Descartes. Targeting of beta-arrestin2 to the Centrosome and Primary Cilium: Role in Cell Proliferation Control. Supervisor: A. Benmerah.