Ana Maria Valles
Ana Maria Vallés (30/07/1954) CR1 - CNRS
- 2012- present: CR (CNRS) in Jean-René Huynh’s lab (Institut Curie). Role of transposable elements in the maintenance of telomeres in Drosophila
- 2006-2011 : Senior Scientist in Ilan Davis’ lab (University of Oxford, UK).
- 1991-2006 : CR (CNRS) in Jean-Paul Thiery’s and Brigitte Boyer’s lab (Institut Curie)
- 1987-1991 : Post-Doctoral fellow in Jean-Paul Thiery’s lab (ENS and Institut Curie)
- 1984-1987 : PhD in the laboratory of Dr Kalpana White (Brandeis University, MA, USA)